Monday, October 02, 2006

At Old Weaver Bally Lookout

This is my oldest son, Peter, with his dog Loyd, and myself at the geocache "Old Weaver Bally Lookout". The footing to the lookout is to the left. One of my employees was responsible for removing the lookout by helicopter to the Weaverville airport and eventually to the Ranger Station at Weaverville. The new lookout used the steel from the old Billy's Peak Lookout, north of Coffee Creek. On the way home, we came across a small reattle snake on the road about two miles from this site.


At 9:04 AM, Blogger Gary Rodgers said...

My wife and I were a lookouts at that place about 25 years ago. Long days and nights with the best backyard view if anybody i knew. We spotted many fires that summer also sat through many boring days of no visibility. Once the bombers flew past the tower on their way to make a drop just west of us at the treloar Fire, which afforded them an interesting view of my wife sunbathing topless on the catwalk. a lot of viasitors fromtown used to come up to take in the view and smoe to go paragliding. A few of them brought us the newspaper, occasionally somebody would bring us water( a great luxury, as the nearest spring was about two miles, and driving to town was n ordeal). That summer was marked by the public onset of AIDS and the death of Rock Hudson. it was also the summer of going to a small deli in Weaverville for ice cream( the luxury everyone can afford) and the local theatre to see the Weaverville Follies.
Along with several other lookouts in the general area we were not employees of the Forest Serrvice, but actually employees of a private contractor responsible for lookout services. this practice has now been discontinued at the new Weaver Bally Lookout.
Antway....a bit of color for your blob.


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